Thursday, July 31, 2008


Thirteen is the number of pairs of white heels that I bought online this week. (!!!) Who knew it would be so tough to find shoes that no one is even gonna freakin see!? Ugh. Thank goodnees for free shipping both ways... it's sort of like having the mall come to me! But it's also sort of like having my living room taken over by a zillion cardboard boxes. Why has no one started a shoe company that sells nothing but cute, cheap, COMFORTABLE, white satin shoes??? I'm telling you, they'd make a fortune!

In other news - my bachelorette party is this weekend in LA! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!

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Monday, July 28, 2008

No Turning Back Now

Exactly 2 months before the Big Day... that's when all the wedding books said the invitations should go out. And I'm not one to question the all-knowing wedding books (this is, after all, my first wedding - what do I know?) So at 9:30 last night, under the cover of darkness, Kyle and I snuck out and mailed our invitations. (Wheeeeeeeee!) I'm not exactly sure why we "snuck" out to do it... probably because we had a tad too much wine at dinner and were feeling just a little bit nervous/down right giddy.

A final check for an address and a stamp, and then Whoosh! into the big blue box they went. Hooray!!!

I know a lot of brides take their invitations into the post office and watch eagerly as each one is hand canceled... but I just don't have the patience or the time for that. I'm a dump them in the big blue box kind of bride. I'm also a don't waste money on calligraphy kind of bride. I wish I wasn't - because it really is beautiful, and I simply adore receiving beautiful things in the mail, but I can just think of so many other things I'd rather spend $150+ on. You know? And while we're on the subject of overall invitation presentation, I'll let you in on a little secret... if you ever receive an invitation that is crooked, or printed weird, or addressed upside down, or whatever, you should take it as a HUGE compliment. It means the Bride and Groom consider you a dear friend. They know you would never judge them or think less of them for sending out a less than perfect invitation. I'm serious. Imperfections = love. (I really hope the people who get an invitation from me that looks like it was addressed by drunken third grader appreciate this fact!)

Anyway, here are some pics Kyle and I took (read: *I* took) as we sent the invites on their merry way. Now begins the mailbox stalking while I wait to receive my RSVPs!!!

All addressed and ready to go! (Note, my mom addressed this one - it is WAY prettier than any of the ones *I* addressed.)

Placing the first stack into the Big Blue Box

Kyle diligently checking for stamps

Me not helping at all - too busy taking pictures!!!

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nothing Says BFF Like A Face Full Of Poison

Really??? Come on.

Wanna be my bridesmaid?

What is the world coming to?

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008


So I had a dream last night that one of my best girlfriends was 4 months pregnant with Kyle's baby. And it was going to be a little boy. And she was going to name him Zance. Yeah. And the weirdest part was that I didn't even care about the whole... ummm... making of the baby part. Mostly I was just really bummed that I'd now have to share Kyle's attention with this new baby. He'd be all focused on being a good daddy and not even care about our wedding and our plans to buy a house and starting our OWN family. It was quite awful.

In other news, my mom was up this past weekend and we had such a good time hanging out and seeing Feist at the Greek! AND I got to try on my wedding dress for her AND she loved it AND she addressed all 100+ of my wedding invitations for me with her beautiful handwriting!!! She rules!!! (Gah! When did I start thinking my mom was cool???) We had such a nice visit. Yay.

Updated... actually the WEIRDEST part of my dream was that in it I thought Zance was the COOLEST name EVER! Like the perfect mix of Zach and ummm, Lance! Yes!

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Invitation Creation Station

The hour is nigh. Invitations go out NEXT WEEK! Gah! I'm having heart palpitations just thinking about it. This weekend will be our big push to get them done. Much printing and pasting will ensure, and I fully expect 40 paper cuts by Monday.

I started working on them a few days ago at my "Invitation Creation Station" (also known as my coffee table)... so far it's been fun, but seeing as how I have like eleventy-million to make I'm thinking the "Weee, this is fun!" will wane and the "Damn it, I'm just gonna send an evite!!" will take over soon enough.

Hey look, pictures!!

Making our invitations!
Hard at work

Yay Invitations!

Invitation stuff
My supplies

Kyle eating payea in my invitation making area
Kyle - eating dinner on my Invitation Creation Station!!

Also happening this weekend: My mom is coming into town for a Feist concert at the Greek in Berkeley. I know!!! When did my mom become so hip??

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Wonder If I Could Get Him To Eat A Worm?

Growing up, I had two older brothers and a little sister to play with, harass, and be harassed by. It was wonderful. I thought I had it all. That is, until I recently discovered the joys of having a little brother.

I spent last weekend in Michigan for Kyle's sister's wedding (#4 out of 10 for the year!) Kyle's brother, Kelsey, was obviously there too. He lives in SF and we hang out all the time... so usually I just consider him a peer and forget that he is younger than me. Out to dinner one night in Michigan, I caught a glimpse of what it might have been like to grow up with a little brother.

The waiter brought bread to table accompanied by a rather large bowl of whipped butter. (It's the Midwest - everything is bigger there.) Kelsey's girlfriend, Emily, jokingly offered to pay him a dollar to eat the entire bowl of butter.

Kelsey: Gross, no.

Emily: What about two dollars?

Kelsey: No! It's a bowl of butter, that's disgusting.

Me: (butting in) What about *FIVE* whole dollars?

Kelsey: (long pause while he thought it over) Ok.


Kelsey: Do you have five dollars?

Me: ... yes.

Kelsey: Ok!

And with that he picked up a fork and began to eat a bowl full of whipped herb butter. Yuck!

Fearing for his arteries, I offered him two dollars to stop eating it. But he wouldn't take it. I asked how he felt, he said, "well lubricated".


He also said it got more disgusting with every bite. In total, it probably took him 7 or 8 bites to finish it all. I told him he had to lick the fork when he was done too, to make sure he got it all. He told me I was evil.

Turns out I only had $4 on me. I didn't actually think Kelsey would eat the whole bowl! (My little sister certainly wouldn't have!!) So I had to borrow money from Kyle. He's had more practice at this whole "having a little brother" thing. He knows better than to make disgusting food related wagers.

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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Two Of My Most Favorite Things

Wedding Veils and Babies!!!!

My darling 11 month old nephew, in his mamma's wedding veil... we dragged it out this weekend because my sis is considering wearing for her wedding (sometime next year) as her something borrowed. :)

Isn't he scrumptous??



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