Thursday, February 01, 2007

What Language Barrier?

Check out the email I received from my cousin, Sven, in Germany a few weeks ago. (p.s. His wife, Alex, is pregnant with their first child... and p.p.s. they don't speak much English... and p.p.p.s. I don't speak any German.)

Is this not the cutest thing you've ever read?

Hello your loves,
We wish you glad Christmas. Unfortunately, I have lost whole email addresses. Please it mails me once more. We hope it well goes for you, with us in Germany everything is in order. Grandma Anni asks always for you. Maybe you can write sometimes a post to map or a letter. Alex becomes thicker and thicker. Now is in 6 months with our small baby. Please, number gives me your whole addresses of you to all with phone. Thank you many.

Lots of love,
Alexandra and Sven and baby

And look! Today they sent pictures!!!

Sven with Carriage
Sven with the Baby Carriage

Alex, 7 months pregnant!!



(It's babies babies everywhere in the K family this year... I officially love 2007.)

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